27 January 2016, Manila, Philippines — The Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) strongly condemns the deplorable harassment of Timor-Leste State agents against Adelio da Costa Fernandes, a human rights activist working for Asosiasaun HAK, a member organization of AFAD, that took place on 26th January 2016.

On the occasion of the visit of the Indonesian President Mr. Joko Widodo in Timor-Leste, the Timor-Leste Defence Force (F-FDTL) went to HAK’s office asking to use the venue as a “security base” given its proximity to the Indonesian Embassy. Upon seeing that one member of HAK staff, Adelio da Costa Fernandes, was wearing a t-shirt with “Free West Papua" printed on the front, one F-FDTL forced said staff to take it off because of the statement.

This incident is not an isolated one. According to Manuel Monteiro Fernandes, HAK’s Executive Director, Timor government forces have intimidated HAK members several times in the past week through phone calls and office visits. Fernandes believes that these acts serve to warn the organization against holding demonstrations during Pres. Widodo’s visit.

AFAD is convinced that these kinds of harassment only reinforce the widespread sentiment of discontent that has been growing among Timorese people over the government’s lack of transparency and accountability. It is AFAD’s belief that these acts clearly reflect the government’s failure to respect, protect and fulfil people’s democratic rights. Indeed, the government’s lack of commitment in implementing the full democratization of the country, and of its respect of its citizens’ freedom of expression and assembly, are clearly evident in its actions.

As a federation of organizations of families of the disappeared, AFAD strongly condemns the harassment of Adelio da Costa Fernandes and the intimidation of Asosiasaun HAK. It is saddening that only fifteen years after the country won its independence from the Indonesian military occupation, a freedom that cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Timorese, the government of Timor-Leste would itself be the first to supress its people’s calls for justice for atrocities committed during the occupation.

AFAD recalls the massive perpetration of enforced disappearances in the country—the number of which falls between 186,000 and 250,000—by the Indonesian State forces, and the responsibility of both the Timor-Leste and Indonesian governments to implement the recommendations made by the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR) to bring to justice the perpetrators of serious crimes committed between 1975-1999 and to assist in searching for truth about the fate and whereabouts of the disappeared Timorese.

To protest against injustice is right. AFAD stands in solidarity with Asosiasaun HAK in calling out on the governments of Indonesia and Timor-Leste to end impunity. It likewise stands firm against any sort of harassment or intimidation committed by Timor-Leste State agents against members of HAK and all human rights defenders in Timor-Leste. AFAD thus calls on the government of Timor-Leste to make a concrete investigation on the matter and sanction the concerned government agents responsible for this untoward incident to the full extent of the law. In so doing, violation of the right to free expression and to peaceful assembly will not be repeated in this new country which, during its long years of struggle for independence, struggled for genuine freedom and democracy.



Signed by:



